I cannot believe that the 1st month of 2021 is done and dusted. Wishing all of you a fit and fabulous February. Functionality and fantastic form when using your mobile devices is what it’s all about this month @ergonomicsdirect.
Thanks to quarantines and remote work we’re spending more time on mobile devices. Covid-19 has changed consumer behaviour forever. Consumers are spending 25% more on mobile apps than ever before.
Users spend a quarter of their waking time on their mobile devices, on average 4.3 hours per day. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that children ages eight to 10 spend an average of six hours per day in front of a screen, kids ages 11 to 14 spend an average of nine hours per day in front of a screen, and youth ages 15 to 18 spend an average of seven-and-a-half hours per day in front of a screen.
"Text neck” is the term used to describe the neck pain and possible damage sustained from constantly looking down at a mobile phone, tablet, or other wireless devices for an extended period of time. As a result of this uncomfortable position of the head, shoulder, and neck muscles have to deal with that increased weight burden. The known long-term consequences may include neck discomfort, neck pain, stiffness, and headaches, which may get worse over time.

Click here to purchase your Ergo Flex!
Our Ergo Flex device holder is a wonderful product that helps reduce this postural strain when using your mobile devices in an incorrect posture. We are running a fantastic promotion and competition on our Ergo Flex device holder this month. Purchase your Ergo Flex, make use of our 33% discount applicable until the end of February. (Normal price- R449, now only R299!)
Then post a picture of a unique way that you're using your Flex, tag our Facebook or Instagram page (Facebook handle: @ergonomicsdirectsa) (Instagram handle: @ergonomicsdirect) and stand a chance to win an online store voucher to the value of R3000.00 this February!
Follow our Facebook page for more info. https://www.facebook.com/ergonomicsdirectsa
Please stay safe and healthy folks.
Yours in Ergonomics