Over the last couple of months, we’ve spoken about the many benefits of ergonomics and how it can change the way you work.

If you haven’t read all our blogs explaining the benefits of ergonomics but would like to start your 2020 healthier, we’ve made things easier for you. In this blog, we’ve summarised the most important benefits into one short article.

Here are the benefits of ergonomics:

  1. Increased productivity – By empowering you with the adjustments and comfort your body needs, your body and mind will be able to function more effectively, allowing you to be more productive throughout the day.
  2. Reduced absenteeism – By implementing correct ergonomic principles, you can reduce fatigue, pains and workplace related MSD’s (Muscular Skeletal Disorders) which may lead to absenteeism and other muscular-skeletal disorders.
  3. Increased employee satisfaction – As an employee, it feels great knowing that you are valued and equipped with the correct resources and gear for you to do the tasks required. Employees feel valued when employers care about their well-being. Ergonomics can boost employees’ morale and work ethic along with their productivity and comfort.
  4. Increased work quality – Ergonomics can improve the quality of work delivered by increasing your concentration. This will reduce the amount of time spend doing/redoing certain tasks.
  5. Increased comfort – By investing in the correct ergonomic equipment and by implementing the correct principles, you can increase your comfort while you work.
  6. Reduced costs – By reducing ergonomic risk factors you can prevent costly MSD’s and reduce the risk of suffering from injuries while you work.

Take the first step to a healthier you by investing in ergonomics in 2020!

From us at Ergonomicsdirect, we would like to thank you for your on-going support throughout 2019 and we look forward to engaging with you in the new year.

We wish you a safe festive and Happy, Ergonomic New Year!

Yours in ergonomics,

The Ergonomicsdirect team

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